Cost of Life in Czech
Life in Prague is cheaper than in any other capital of United Europe. The biggest expense is renting a flat or house for life. The smallest separate flat will cost you about 350 Euro per month, 3 rooms flat with furniture and electric devices will cost about 700 Euro per month. Gas, electricity and water fees you will pay separately, it will cost you 50-100 Euro.
There are regions in Czech where it is possible to rent extremely cheap flats (less then 100 Euro for 3 rooms flat). It is also possible to buy a flat in the north of Czech for 7 000-10 000 Euro for 3 rooms flat.
Food is also cheap in Czech; usually a family from 3 members spends 400 Euro per month for buying food.
There will not be problem with buying food you like and got used to; there are many shops for foreigners where all kinds of food are available.
Usually foreigners buy cloths and footwear on big sales in supermarket, where discounts can reach 70%.
We recommend our clients to buy one year ticket for using public transport, it cheaper to buy a year ticket then 12 tickets valid during 1 month.

Common recommendations
1. You should have at least 3000 Euro for starting new life in Czech. It will take some time to find a job and rent a flat you like, till that time you should be able to support yourself.
2. If you have problems with health do not try to save money on buying medical insurance. If everything is all right with you health you may not buy it.
3. Study Czech language.
4. Open bank account and keep money in bank. Do not carry big sums of money in a pocket; keep money on credit card that can be renewed if stolen.
5. Do not carry passport in a pocket. You may have Xerox copy of 1st page of passport with you.
6. Do not be afraid of policemen, you can ask them any questions.
7. If you are going to buy a car do not buy the first car you like. There are many car markets with huge discounts, sometimes it is possible to buy same car with 20 % discount.
8. If possible try to find a job before coming to Czech; usually agents can do it for you for some 500 Euro. This can save you lots of money in future.
9. Never disobey Czech laws otherwise Czech police will put your name to list of criminals and you will not be able to visit any European country for 10 years.
10. If there is such possibility it is better to buy a flat instead renting it.