The procedure if company's registration in Czech Republic is not complicated but demands attention and obedience to laws.
According to Czech laws there is no difference between a company with limited responsibility registered by Czech citizen and foreigner. This means that procedure of registering a company is the same for all and requirements to company's activity are also same.
There are several kinds of Czech companies that differ in amount of authorized capital and activities companies can make. A company with limited responsibility has minimum 2 000 koruns (1 00 Euro) as authorized capital while other forms of companies may have authorized capital up to 2000 000 koruns (76 000 Euro).
S.R.O. (company with limited liability) is a very attractive form of enterprise for immigrants as it's very easy to provide annual tax and book-keeping reports. Registering a company with limited responsibility gives right to its owner and co-owners to obtain one-year multiple visas that can be converted to Czech permanent residence permit in 5 years.

If to describe the procedure of registering a company without unnecessary details, it will look like signing registering documents (company's regulations, application to trade court, and other documents that describe company’s activities) by notary and providing documents to Trade court where all Czech companies are registered. According to Czech law, actions needed for company registration can be done by owner himself or by a person to whom an owner has given warrant. There is no need for a client to be present in Czech for registering a company; all a client has to do is to provide to ADRISUS's specialist powers of attorney for registering a company in Czech.
After finishing company registering procedure, it will be registered in tax bureau. All the steps of company registration will be controlled by a client, as we are sending copies of all the documents to our client as soon as we get them. The fact, that a company has been registered, you can check on the official site of Ministry of Justice in Czech Republic .
A whole procedure of company registration usually continues 3-4 weeks (from the moment notary has signed registering documents). But one should realize that a time for registering a company will be a bit longer ( up to 1,5 months) as after a client signs contract with Adrisus s.r.o. he has to prepare documents (warrants), give company's name and send documents to Czech.
Authorized capital
The minimum authorized capital needed for registering s.r.o. is 200 000 Czech koruns, that is equal to 7 600 Euro. According to Czech law, after company will be registered its owner can use it for running business (paying salary to workers, advertisement, office rent). The procedure of putting authorized capital to clients' company account is described in a contract between client and Futurum Group. It is possible that ADRISUS uses its own money for contributing authorized capital; a special contract is to be signed in such case.
It can up to 50 co-owners of Czech company, but because of strict embassy requirements Futurum Group's specialists never register a company with more than 5 co-owners. Any person who reached 18 years old can become co-owner of Czech company. Company’s "life" is not limited; you can do business and use its means as long as you wish. But each year before end of March a company’s owner has to submit annual report about company's activity.